MAGNETIC MIDNIGHT, by designer Lucia Echavarría, is a lifestyle brand of statement pieces that reflect a unique aesthetic imbued with a love for tradition and craftsmanship. Their artisans are based in Usiacuri, in the northern coast of Colombia where weaving the iraca palm is the town’s main economy and children are taught weaving in school.
Founder, Lucia Echavarria
The Iraca palm leaf is a natural fiber found in Colombia and used in different parts of the country to make baskets, hats and other pieces such as placemats. Magnetic Midnight only uses sustainably sourced palm leaf from Nariño that is responsibly grown and harvested. The Iraca leaves are carefully separated into fibers which are dried and sold in bundles. In the main technique they use, the fibers divided into even finer threads, tinted or left natural, knotted or braided around thin wire and woven together into beautiful patterns.
Iraca palm leaf
The Iraca palm leaf is a natural fiber found in Colombia and used in different parts of the country to make baskets, hats and other pieces such as placemats. Magnetic Midnight only uses sustainably sourced palm leaf from Nariño that is responsibly grown and harvested. The Iraca leaves are carefully separated into fibers which are dried and sold in bundles. In the main technique they use, the fibers divided into even finer threads, tinted or left natural, knotted or braided around thin wire and woven together into beautiful patterns.